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The Witches Retreat

Get To Be One With Nature and Release Your Inner Power, Harness The Female Confidence  To Live On Your Own Terms

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What Inspired The Retreat

Why Witches you might ask? The goal is to reclaim the image of witches, which has been distorted by narratives depicting them as whimsical, otherworldly, ugly, and mean. Historically, witches were wise, independent, and loving women, unafraid to live by their values, in touch with nature, and nurturing others with their wisdom and talents.

This very first edition of the Witches Retreat is an expression of love and support that Magda and Anita want to share with women on the quest to tap into their true essence so that they can be free, powerful, and happy with who they are, rather than who they are “supposed to be”. True, independent and loving witches.

The story of Anita’s and Magda’s friendship dates back to 2019 when Magda joined Anita’s “Badass Women” boot camp for women. With Anita’s guidance, Magda rediscovered herself and transitioned to career coaching. Today she lives and breathes an entrepreneurial dream,  empowering others to find career paths that truly match their passions and values.

Magda’s and Anita’s shared passion and commitment to empowering women led them to create this retreat. The Witches Retreat is born from their bond, mentorship, and a mutual desire to support women in breaking free from societal boxes and embracing their true selves.

Who Is The Retreat For?

This retreat is designed for women yearning to reconnect with their true essence in a supportive and magical environment. It’s for those ready to gather, share stories, and create magic together.

It’s a calling for women who want to be part of a sincere community, where they can be honest and authentic and feel rejuvenated through contact with art and nature. 

It’s an invitation for adventurous, open-minded, and curious women ready to try something new, and give their life a revamp, to allow themselves to live more.

With this magic weekend, you can:

  • Break free from the constraints of everyday life and other people’s expectations towards you.

  • Reflect on your true desires.

  • Discover what brings you joy, and identify what weighs you down. 

  • Transform your life by understanding what truly matters to you.

Check Out Our Venue

Eco-Friendly Design

24/7 Support

Why You Should Not Miss Out On This Retreat

  • You don’t need to go to Bali and spend thousands of euros to take part in a truly transformative experience and rediscover yourself!

  • In this first edition of the Witches Retreat, you will have a unique opportunity to be part of a small intimate group of six open-minded and adventurous women ready to step out of their comfort zone to unleash their powers!

  •  In the most unique venue with a real soul, for a very special price, and in the breathtaking surroundings of the majestic Tatra Mountains, you will become a true pioneer!

  • This is one in a lifetime opportunity to join the very first edition of the retreat that will empower hundreds of women in the future, in an intimate community of other forerunners.

Here are seven good reasons to join: 

  •  You will become more aware of yourself and your true desires

  • You will feel more self-confident, powerful, and centered

  • You will give yourself permission to live on your terms, not giving a damn about what others might say or think.

  • You will act and live more authentically

  • You will free yourself from other people’s expectations towards you.

  • You will become more confident about your life choices

  • You will feel like a true pioneer, who stepped out of your comfort zone and became part of a sincere community of like-minded, adventurous women.

What Your Life Could Look Like After The Retreat

About Anita

Anita Sheehan is a seasoned trauma and self-love coach, the founder of ImpaKt Coaching, with many years of experience in helping individuals overcome their past traumas and limiting beliefs. She is a firm believer in the healing power of nature, using it as a powerful resource to help her clients battle their traumas, and reconnect with their true essence.

Her journey intersected with Magda when Magda attended Anita’s “Badass Women” coaching program. Through Anita’s guidance, Magda emerged from a monotonous life at the European Institutions, finding new purpose and vitality. This mentorship evolved into a deep friendship.

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About Magda

Magda Kufrej is today a full-time career coach, and a founder of Work Ally,  using her spectacular energy to boost her client's self-confidence, guiding them towards more meaningful careers. Fulfilling her true life’s calling, to inspire and empower others to find joy and meaning in professionals and private lives, Magda uses elements of art, enabling her clients to express themselves, tap into their inner powers and unleash their full potential.

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What People Say About Us :


The retreat featured a small, intimate group, which fostered a strong sense of community and genuine connection among participants. The activities for reflection and bonding were thoughtfully designed, enabling us to share our thoughts and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Activities were optional and each participant could choose what to do depending on how one feels at that moment.


Anita is an outstanding group coach. During each workshop or bootcamp Anita creates a safe, warm and inspiring environment, where the group can thrive and the people in it are boosted to share insights and to grow. I know Anita for almost a decade now and I feel very grateful each time our paths cross! 


We were guided by two fantastic facilitators whose expertise and compassion greatly enhanced the experience. They created a warm and welcoming atmosphere, ensuring that each participant felt valued and supported throughout the retreat. I highly recommend this well-being retreat to anyone looking for a meaningful and enriching experience.


Thursday, 5 September

  • 19:00 (optional for early arrivals) - a city walk with a certified guide, dinner in the Jewish District, concluding at around 21:30.

 Accommodation and transportation to Krakow will be self-arranged and not included in the package.

Friday, 6 September


  • 09:00 - departure from Rynek Podgorski in Krakow

  • 11:30 - 12:30  - arrival at Jojo’s Stable

  • 12:30 - 14:00 - introduction and  icebreakers

  • 14:00 - 15:00 - lunch: homemade pierogi (dumplings), the most delicious Polish food

  • 15:00 - 17:30 - visualising your meaning of life through guided meditation, visualisations and                                       group discussion 

  • 17:30 - 18:30 - dinner (salad, prepared together in the venue)

  • 18:30 - 20:00 - free time

  • 20:00 - 22:30 - bonfire and story telling evening 

Saturday, 7 September


  • 08:00 - 08:30 - morning meditation

  • 08:30 - 09:00 - Qigong practice

  • 09:00 - 10:00 - breakfast (buffet style in the venue)

  • 10:00 - 12:00 - creative conceptualisation of Your Powerful and Unstoppable Witch Alter Ego                                         using canvas 

  • 12:00 - 14:00 - silent walk in nature 

  • 14:00 - 15:00 - lunch: trout, a regional specialty (or a vegetarian option)

  • 15:00 - 17:30 - creative expression of Your Powerful and Unstoppable Witch Alter Ego using art                                     supplies to produce a collage, a painting or a vision board

  • 17:30 - 18:30 - dinner (salad, prepared together in the venue)

  • 18:30 - 20:00 - free time

  • 20:00 - 23:00 - Witches Ball, to impersonalise Your Powerful and Unstoppable Witch Alter Ego,                                       including laughter yoga and expressive dancing

Sunday, 8 September


  • 08:00 - 08:30 morning meditation 

  • 08:30 - 09:00 Qigong practice

  • 09:00 - 10:00 breakfast (buffet style in the venue)

  • 10:00 - 12:00 - wrap-up: sharing experiences and reflections

  • 12:00 - departure to Krakow

  • 15:00 - arrival in Krakow (Main Train Station, offering a seamless connection with the airport)

All activities are optional. Participants can freely decide  in which ones they wish to take part,  providing enough time and space to relax and spend time in nature or on their own.

Price: EUR 799

What is included in the price:

  • Guided tour in Krakow for early arrivals (Thursday)

  • Full group coaching experience (Friday to Sunday)

  • Venue and accommodation in the Tatra Mountains (two participants per room, shared bathrooms)

  • Full board: breakfast, lunch (homemade regional delicacies), light dinner, snacks and drinks

  • Transport from Krakow to the venue (Friday morning) and back (Sunday afternoon)

  • Art supplies

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